When the PCC opened its lobby to clients for the first time since March 2020, it was so refreshing to greet PCC clients face to face instead of by phone, text or email contact only. The chatter in the lobby and throughout the building has been lovely to hear.
Reflecting on how we have changed through the isolation, a steadfast truth remains…there is an immense capacity for compassion in our community.
As always, this compassion reveals itself through a patchwork of diverse groups and individuals sharing unique gifts and talents. Here are a few:

Ethel Simmons and her team at Star Quilters donate warm, beautiful lap quilts for both the Pathways for Youth and Emergency Services children with a few lucky adults also reaping the comfort these quilts provide. The gratitude on the faces of these recipients says more than any words can convey.

The growing season provides bountiful blessings. From tomatoes and cucumbers early in the season to potatoes and peppers in the fall, each delivery brings vibrant colors and freshness. Covenant Presbyterian Church’s Earth Care Team, Morningside Urban Farm, Our Lady of Nazareth’s Giving Garden along with PCC volunteers and Southeast neighbors add to the assortment of fresh produce that brightens the lobby with nutritious, healthy additions to the PCC food orders.

A very sweet contribution comes from a young donor celebrating her thirteenth birthday. Instead of asking for personal gifts, this philanthropic birthday girl asked her friends to bring cans of food for delivery to the PCC Food Pantry. It turns out that her kind, selfless spirit was of course imprinted from her parents. The PCC knows this because her parents were a husband and wife tutoring duo for Pathways for Youth up until thirteen years ago when their daughter was born. This whole family is an inspiring example and role model for many to follow.
Another story to share comes from an email received from a former volunteer who wrote: “I am now in my freshman year at college and am looking to find a way to build up my community through my local church. Then I remembered the impact I saw the Presbyterian Community Center had on locals in need. I would love to have a food pantry accessible to my community.” She continues by asking advice on how to plan and implement the opening of a food pantry in her area. Her compliment of the PCC is most appreciated as is her ability to take action here and wherever her journey takes her.
The PCC is very fortunate and most grateful to have the support from each of those listed above and from each of you reading this newsletter. Thank YOU!
-Cheryl Poe, Director of Volunteer Services