Donate Goods
Collect food to be donated to the pantry...weekly, monthly, quarterly, fifth Sunday...whatever suits your schedule.
Themed collections create interest while providing an exciting community service, i.e. Souper Bowl Sunday collections. Friendly competitions increase involvement, i.e. Chicken Soup against Tomato Soup or Male versus Female collections.
ALL donations are greeted with opened arms in the pantry.

Hunger Busters is a fun and impactful way to fight food insecurity in our community! Whether you're collecting donations, sorting food, or packing bags, every effort helps put meals on the table for families in need. To get involved contact April Lewis at 🥫

Top Pantry Needs Today
Shelf Stable Foods
Powdered Milk - Individual Packets
Peanut Butter
Breakfast Cereal
Pancake Mix
(Examples: Canned Meats, Vegetables, Ravioli, Hot/Cold Cereal, Crackers, Soup)
Hygiene Items
(Examples: Feminine Products, Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Toilet Paper, Shampoo, etc.)
Baby Items
(Examples: Diapers, Pull Ups, Wipes)